
Trav the Tree Guy: The Top 10 Trees

January 15, 2024

There’s something that is so satisfying about planting a new tree in your lawn or in your landscape. It can be a large tree to provide shade, a small blooming tree for a flowerbed, or a lovely tree to mark a special occasion. No matter what the reason, planting trees has long term benefits to creating biodiversity on your property. While...

A Mycological Adventure

January 4, 2024

It might be an understatement to say that I’m a Plant Nerd. Between working in the industry, having a small greenhouse at home, and more plant babies than any sane person should have; plants take up a large portion of my time. A few months ago, I came across a Netflix documentary called Fantastic Fungi. I was enthralled at the process of...

Is it Really Winter? And What Are these Plants Doing?

December 18, 2023

It is now the 3rd week in December and for the most part the grass is still green, and some of the shrubs and the underbrush still have not lost all of their leaves. There has been only one light snow event, and the coldest overnight low so far was in the low twenties. Many perennial plants still have some green leaves, and I have seen some...

Deciduous Conifers

December 11, 2023

People often ask, “What are the trees in Colonials courtyard?” Well, it’s a curiously beautiful type of tree called the Debonair pond cypress (Taxodium ascendens “Morris”) This particular tree, under proper growing conditions will reach roughly 60’ tall and have a spread of 20’. This tree is part of a genera of plants known as deciduous...

All Potting Soils Are Not Created Equal: Part 3 in the Soil Series

November 20, 2023

There are potting soils on the market in almost every store you walk into, including supermarkets and sometimes gas stations. There are many varieties of potting mixes too. How do you know which one is right for your needs? What are the ingredients in potting soils and what is their purpose? Why is it important to your success in growing your...

Watering in Winter: Trees, Shrubs & Perennials

November 6, 2023

As a gardener, the winter offers us a bit of a respite from our outdoor gardening chores. We have cleaned and sharpened our tools, raked or mulched leaves and look forward to poring over the internet (or seed catalogs, which I still receive and love) looking for what we’re going to be planting in the Spring. Most don’t think about the newly...

Preparing the Garden for Winter

October 30, 2023

You may think that as the crisp autumn air starts to descend upon us there is little work to do in the garden, but now is the perfect time to get your garden ready for its long winter nap. The work you do now can have a significant impact on your garden next spring. Fall is a perfect time to take stock of which of your plants have done well...

Prepping Indoor Plants for Winter

October 17, 2023

As cooler weather approaches, it is time to start thinking about bringing so many of our friends back into the home and transplanting any that may have stayed inside all summer. We are going to look at some of the things you will need to consider in making this transition, as well as some how-to's to make you feel confident about this move. ...

How to Plant a Tree

October 9, 2023

Over my 20+ years in the horticultural industry, I can say with certainty that I have planted tens of thousands of trees. After several years doing so, I just stopped counting. I have had the pleasure of working with many brilliant arborists, nurserymen and nurserywomen, growers and landscapers. Over the years and I’ve noticed one peculiar...

Terrariums - A How To Guide

September 28, 2023

What is a Terrarium? A terrarium is a container in which you can create an environment for growing plants due to the constant supply of water, therefore preventing the plants from becoming too dry. In addition to this, light that passes through the glass allows for the plants within to photosynthesize, which is very important to plant growth.